Mind the Gap: The Oil SurgeBy Randy Naylor June 14, 2013 One can sense the essence of a paradigm shift. Journalists have begun to take acritical look at the oil epoque: Stavanger Aftenblad carefully begins to peelaway at Statoils omnipotent industrial complex. The renewable question: whatwill Norway produce after the oil boom? Let me paint […]
HOME ECO-NOMICS and THE INVISIBLE HANDRANDY NAYLOR DECEMBER 2018 Once upon a town a circus came around and this is the story of how tomake an Ecology. The master of the Circus goes by the name of Mr.Smith.He is an invisible trapize artist. Adam and Even are the masters of the3 ring circus below. Eve […]
CYBERNETICS-NAVIGATIONLecture notes for Kansas State School of Architecture December 2024Randy Naylor www.randynaylor.com Gregory Bateson Conscious Purpose Vs WisdomConscious Purpose: Travel from A to Z as fast as possible vs.Unconsciousness and Ecology1948 Protestant Heresy vs. Immanent Mind (man plus Ecology)(God as Decider Hierarchy) vs. (receive, store, create, disseminate info) Theory of Corresponding Angles Nils BohrQuasi Subjects […]
From: Torild Wardenær torild.wardenaer@lyse.net Utstilling Mellom det som er og det som ikke erRandy Naylors motiver i billedserien ”Walk with me” insisterer, gjennomsine fargesterke og avgrensede elementer, på en konkret virkelighet.Den forekommer oss like tydelig og selvfølgelig som at biologien iegenskap av naturvitenskap beskriver eksistensen av planter, dyr ogmennesker. Det konkrete i billeduttrykket blir imidlertid […]
21st Strategy for Art& ArchitectureRandy Naylor 2019 How to create a contemporary Art&Architecture strategy andcreative philosophy to compete with Big Data, Algorithms,Robots and Climate Change challenges. Big Data is a Mapping strategy developed by Tech Industries toreap commercial benefits from the unaware consumers.FaceBook pretends to be a free service where in fact it is amapping […]
Panda Breeding DiaryRandy Naylor 2021 First SongFor You To Hang OnTo Your Memory First Song AlwaysReminds Me Of StartingAnd Looking IntoInfinity Where Are YouSomeone Said In The BlueOut ThereNot Afraid To Go ThereBlue Blue Blue Blue Blue BlueSo Devine I find myselfLooking Inside Of My MindStrange I Got Here Don’t Mind MeSaid My Mind to […]
By RandyNaylor With Windmøllebakken H&H delivers Roglands (Norways) first modern attempt at communal living, ”Gaining by Sharing.” The blueprint is an architectural model interconnected by two internal spiraling staircases. This is a Phase Space (read Lorenze Attractor) that will trigger the complex interrelationships among the commune’s inhabitants. ” There will be some new marriages and […]
By Randy Naylor We are on a long and winding road. How did we get here? The Immigrant. The iPhone. Global Warming. Our myopic focus: ” a lack of foresight or discernment, a narrow view of something.” (Webster) What the Anthropocene has defined is the limits of human anthropocentric behavior. Or, people first philosophy. Where […]
Why Now its Dark is a remarkable timely and intuitively good film. I do not know Arild Ommundsen and Salmonson very well. Arild and I just dont mix, its a personality clash and Artistic demur. However, Silje Salmonson and I, together with Vegar Hoel acted together and won the Grimstad Gul in Pål Jackmans short […]
RANDY NAYLOR DECEMBER 2018 Once upon a town a circus came around and this is the story of how to make an Ecology. The master of the Circus goes by the name of Mr.Smith. He is an invisible trapize artist. Adam and Even are the masters of the 3 ring circus below. Eve joined the […]
The Non-Linear Paradigm Shift (Word Graphic) by Randy Naylor HOMOGENEOUS […]
Log-On Assemblage A New Urban Social Sustainable Model 2013 LOG-ON Collaborative Collaboration is a social sustainable model that promotes community, public health and the conditions where one can think, create and act sustainable. Where one emerges from a consumer to a producer. Social Sustainable models promotes education, democracy, and citizen participation, thus enhancing […]
Form Generation Graphics Randy Naylor 2013 This series of graphics has been in the process for 12 years. It started with the Seismic Graphic Series. With the Seismic Graphics i was trying to find and illustrate a non-linear system. A system base on the organic process of self- organization. I was directly opposed to […]
2 SUSTAIN-ABILITY I will attempt in this paper to introduce a sustainable approach toward a new social ontology. To do this I will introduce the concepts of Self-Organization/Distribution and Assemblages in relation ship to the Micro/Macro reductionism theory. Self-Organization models have emerged from the historical epochs and paradigm shifts; the Agrarian to the Industrial (Ford […]
Our Uncommon Sense @ by Randy Naylor Well, common sense would warn one not to sell out, that heritage, culture, identity is an intrinsic value that cannot be bought or sold. Our Uncommon Sense is our ”Self-Interest.” We live in a boom town, we represent an unsustainable march propelled by a leaking oil economy. We […]
From: Torild Wardenær <torild.wardenaer@lyse.net> Utstilling Mellom det som er og det som ikke er Randy Naylors motiver i billedserien ”Walk with me” insisterer, gjennom sine fargesterke og avgrensede elementer, på en konkret virkelighet. Den forekommer oss like tydelig og selvfølgelig som at biologien i egenskap av naturvitenskap beskriver eksistensen av planter, dyr og mennesker. Det […]
The Moral and Religious Dilemma of Statoil According to Bishop E.J Pettersen. By Randy Naylor This is an artistic account of the moral and religious dilemma of Statoil. I choose to write in English, as this is the official language of Statoil. My story begins at the solidarity concert in DomeKirke last Wednesday night in […]
NON-LINEAR EQUATION (SURFS-UP) T.. you must have been hiding under the paradise/equation…tried to call and the discovery that I would have to go between an army of ants/ no response/no message// near is a mirror and far into the silver / floating on the screen as I listen to Canto Velosa …film track and tracking […]
Mind the Gap: The Oil Surge By Randy Naylor June 14, 2013 One can sense the essence of a paradigm shift. Journalists have begun to take a critical look at the oil epoque: Stavanger Aftenblad carefully begins to peel away at Statoils omnipotent industrial complex. The renewable question: what will Norway produce after the oil […]