By Randy Naylor
We are on a long and winding road. How did we get here? The
Immigrant. The iPhone. Global Warming.
Our myopic focus: ” a lack of foresight or discernment, a
narrow view of something.” (Webster)
What the Anthropocene has defined is the limits of human
anthropocentric behavior. Or, people first philosophy. Where
Man conquers nature and invents Plastic from petroleum and the
oceans become the garbage dump, and presto, plactics, right into
your nano food chain via Mussels you digest.
Second Nature, everything is ripe for exploitation, pollution,
slavery and to be Cash and sold in a commercial cycle without
conscious, without consequence, without foresight or
discernment. Right into your Coop fund. You own it.
The 21st century has given us an interconnective and relational
philosophy ( Deleuze/Guattari/ Delanda/ Serres/ Morton) that is
inclusive and maps a post anthropocentric and sustainable
global response. How climate change, migration, immigration
and malnutrition are related. How and why all ”things” are
Alive, not just Humans and Beast. How BWO (bodies without
organs) including stones, reefs, volcanos and seas and are Alive.
This then includes,land,water, stars. What is alive then would
include ”hyper-objects” like plastic, radiation, CO2, coal, oil
and GM foods and drug resistant bacteria. Just to shout out a
Include then on this list: Immigrants and Migrants.
Include then on ths list: iPhones and all things Not Made in
Norway that somehow immigrated into your home next to your
TV. Made in China Syndrom migrant.
What then is the new immigrant and how did it arrive? Listhaug
and Trump define an Immigrant by measurement of a Wall.
France has a narrow bridge from Algeria. Germany tried an
open platform Google approach. England Brexit. Greece
drowned in IMF loans and chaos. Back to Myopia: ”Narrow
view of things.”
Lets then expand our Vision, our philosophy beyond 20th
century Existentialism. Include a Global response,
nonanthropocene, a sustainability, a post colonialism, a post
fossil fueled economy, a nutrition that is really a nutrient,
Google, iPhone and Chernobyl radiation as an Immigrant. Are
all of these not linked? A mutual causuality of Parts to the
Whole. Where the Whole now is a non mechanistic model of
reality, an open system managed and organized by exchanging
matter, energy and information with its environment. The New
Follow my argument here: If we redefine an Immigrant as
something nonHuman, nonanthropocentric, and a result of our
past and present politics, wars, industrial waste, and
exploitations. It is here then we can start to take on the real and
greater problems that have resulted in our myopia and the
ignorant symbol of the Wall.
It is here i give you the Immigrant: the iPhone. IT immigrated
here through a Syrian family via California named Jobs. On its
way it connected to a greater system internet and expanded to
Google (Russian/India family) and now to self-entrepreneur
Uber(Russian family) and AirB&B platforms. The new pattern
here is Self-Organization. That is what Immigrants do, they
Self-Organize. That is what SiliconValley does. Immigrants
Self-Organized 50% of the most known companies in
SiliconValley start-ups. From 1965-1985, 100% of the Oil
Industry in Rogaland was designed, geologically mapped,
engineered and founded by Immigrants. The ”Next Oil” matter
will be Immigrant.
Now, lets put up a Wall. An electronic Wall to keep out your
iPhone. You will collapse within 12 hours. Your daughters will
scream without Facebook. Your Office will implode and your
fingers will become useless digits. Ok,Walls do not work, not
the Wall of China nor the Berlin Wall nor the MexTexWall.
What works and what we have to work on is the real causes that
fuel our Fear. The challenge is now Global and is inclusive and
is nonhuman and is transdisciplinary and goes beyond cause and
effect because we have exhausted that binary myopic frame.
The biologist Ludvig von Bertalanffy: ”A system is less a thing
than a pattern. It is a pattern of events, its existence and
character deriving less from the nature of its components than
from their organization. As such it consists of a dynamic flow of
So i give you the new Immigrant. It is everywhere around you
and especially your iPhone. Think far beyond the wall and into
the larger dimensions of the ecosystem and nonhuman matter
and energy. Make a new global climate that is inclusive and
self-sustaining and Relational and Responsive to our present
Reality. Elect leaders that use their iPhones to connect, who are
not hung up on Walls.
Connectivity/Multiplicity: The Immigrant is your Global
Warming, is your Middle East War, is your Food chain, your
CO2, is your iPhone.
Did they call, Ms. Emergency? Its going to get very Hot and
there is no fire Wall even if you soon see the Smoke ! ”The last
time it was 4 degrees warmer there was no ice at either pole and
the sea level was 260 feet higher then it is today.”
”That would end Immigration as you know it.”