Statoil and The Tropic of Cancer

Statoil and The Tropic of Cancerby Randy Naylor, Norway Stavanger Jan. 24, 2013The Tropic of Cancer stretches across the vast Sahara Sand Sea Desert encompassing8 African countries. Among these countries are Egypt, Mali, Niger, Mauritania, ChadWestern Sahara, Libya and Algeria.My task as an artiat (painter) is through allegory, metaphor, paint a picture of acondition, a […]

The Panda Breeding Diary

The Art of Self-Composed Music (Auto-Poiesis)The Panda Breeding Diary morphs into multiple forms. We arecomposed of a classically trained violinist, a jazz/rock guitaristand a free musician. This combination creates a Hybrid from ofimprovisation. We are interested in creating an acoustictemplate that triggers a form of self-tuning and autocomposition, an Auto-Poiseis. This form reflects an organic […]

Statoils Sustainability Parable

Randy Naylor January 2014Here we are, gathered together under this tent, this bubble. Highabove our heads is a tight rope act getting ready to unfold. Webow our heads backwards, look up at the actor, its Helge LaLuna preparing to cross over our heads, he is holding a longbalancing pole as a wand and snow white […]

Single State Solution3

One State Agenda and the Double BindRandy Naylor 2024A One State solution and the Double Bind SyndromeONE PLUS ONE EQUALS ONEI am responding to the series of editorials presented by ThomasFriedman (NyTimes) regarding the War on Gaza and the futureof the region. Friedman advocates a Two State Solution. I willhereby present an argument for […]

Lief ONS

Dear Leif Johan SevlandLet me again give you your well deserved praise for thisyears ONS. As I said to you while meeting in the Hall, ”You saved the post Covid Stavanger and positioned ONSinto the future. Take a deep breath and be aware of youraccomplishment.This is my ONS Summery of what I experienced a thisyears […]