Randy Naylor January 2014
Here we are, gathered together under this tent, this bubble. High
above our heads is a tight rope act getting ready to unfold. We
bow our heads backwards, look up at the actor, its Helge La
Luna preparing to cross over our heads, he is holding a long
balancing pole as a wand and snow white socks. This looks
precarious, intriging, we take a deep collective breath of
oxygen. He looks alert, confident, wearing a slight grin as he
prepares to debark. Suddenly two children, Tor and Sonja ,
around 12 years old, rise up and shout. The wire is connected
to the wrong end mast.The crowd sitting in the tent bubble begin
to mumble, sounds like a wave beginning to fold, their eyes
follow the wire to the end station, its the wrong connection mast
someone shouts, the two kids are correct. Helge La Luna is too
high above our heads to hear the shouts, without hesitation he
begins his march into the fossil fuel quagmire.Tor and Sonja
shout out, its not sustainable, you are walking in the wrong
direction. An older couple sitting near, adjust thier hearing aids
and begin to quiz the other. Is Statoil Sustainable, What is
Sustainable? Is that not Helge La Luna up their on the wire, and
look, there is no safety net, no plan B. Well, that is what being
Sustainable is about,you know a balancing act and some kind of
net. But it does not apply to you if you are not connected, you
know to the complexity of things. The elder woman adjusts her
hearing aid,you mean it was easier before? Ya, it was fast cars,
fast women, slow men, Gm foods, ignore South Sudan and the
Middle East wars, co2 levels and nitrogen fertilizers in the
rivers, tar sands and tarzan, Deep Sea Horizon, Exxon Valdez,
Bravo and Kjelland, ozone and fracking, In Amenas.That was
all sustainable then, when you were connected to the wrong
mast, walking backwards , with that sly grin.
He almost had us, if not for those two alert children looking up
into the stars and wondering where he was going. That clever
speach about Out-Sourcing, to make the company more
profitable. Is this an example about Social Sustainability and
community relational practices. Is not the economy connected to
the social welfare and collective well being of the community. I
thought we defacto owned Statoil, its called State Oil. And it
has had exclusive tax deductions to explore. Waste as much
money before in this persuit.Her hearing aid has a cracking
sound, a buzz , a feedback loop. She imagines this Donald
Trump voice,Your Fired syndrome.
There are two Polar Bears sitting near by in the tent bubble.
They are having an intuitive conversation about sustainabiity
and where they have been. Well one bear raises a foot pad,(fpad)
smiles, its about the real future and the real past, you know
we have been around here for several million years, fishing,
hibernating, generally minding our own business, living in
relationship to the environment, the weather, the winds and ice
flows. You know, technology is not going to save you.Well,
actually in relationship to the entire galaxy, that is how we
navigate. we always navigate long term, not on some derived
(derivitive) short term profit calculation. We are still sitting in
the tent bubble, glancing up. That Helge La Luna must be some
kind of alien, disconnected from his immediate environment,
cant read the winds, navigate by the stars, grow a garden, build
his own shelter. The one bear nods, an Anthropocentric Alien.
The two polar bears glare at the wire, La Luna has taken a few
steps forward, you mean backwards.
Tor and Sonja suddenly realize that the adults are not very
smart, to loud, unaware of their immediate sorroundings, have
no plan for an intelligent future, just involved with
comsumption and shopping, ignorant and evasive. Maybe there
will be no clean oxygen, water or blue skys, like the photo
yesterday from Beijing, all those people wearing white masks
to walk.Sonja interjects, was Statoil never Sustainable, or did it
just happen last week. i thought its been around since
La Luna is now half way across the wire. Well, Statoil has never
really been sustainable, before it did not matter, now times have
changed, climates have changed. The two kids scream, the wire
is still not connected to the right mast. The intuitive bears
anticipating a fall ,run out of the tent and jump into the near by
stream, swimming for their life. There is a Green House effect
taking place in the tent. Their hearing aids malfunction in the
fog. crack,crack,crack.