One State Agenda and the Double Bind
Randy Naylor 2024
A One State solution and the Double Bind Syndrome
I am responding to the series of editorials presented by Thomas
Friedman (NyTimes) regarding the War on Gaza and the future
of the region. Friedman advocates a Two State Solution. I will
hereby present an argument for a One State Solution.
Regarding the impossibility of a Two State Solution. The covert
practices of genocide of a Palestine population and the Oil End
Game, I will present a quote from Gregory Bateson. ” Every
species has a primary Malthusian Capacity. Any species that
does not potentially produce more young than the number of the
population of the present generation will die out.”(Bateson)
The IDF practice of genocide against Palestine women and
children in this war, is effectively engaged in the Malthusian
Curve. This renders Friedmans Two State Solution Impossible, and also effects the Oslo Accords. There will not be enough future generation population to create a vital Palestine State. This includes the ecosystem genocide and for those that do survive the war their Trauma will inhibit them from any sufficient capacity to make a State. The NyTimes also reported that the IDF have killed 95 university professors and 10 times the amount of high school teachers. This is the lavender AI machine (USA made) directing Israel´s targeting system to eliminate the Palestine intellectual capacity and state building. Therefore it will be impossible to make a Two State Solution because there will not exist a population to create this State. Zionist are well aware of the Malthusian Curve. This Curve is Exponential and accelerates the ethnic cleansing. This Exponential Curve creates a Double Bind. The Double Bind presents a situation where ”No one can Win.” This leads to a schizophrenia state that both Israel and Palestine now find themselves. The schizophrenic symptoms represent Friedman’s Dualism or Two State Solution. (Division of Parts & Wholes) Designed to continue the status quo and the military industrial complex. Both Hamas and IDF favor the Two State Solution. Thus Friedman and the West continue to press for a destructive pathology that has gripped the region for 70 plus years. So we have to change the epistemology. Create a new Pattern. One plus one Equals one. This is a design philosophy to create an epistemology that is Complementary. Not Symmetric! Here we have a relational (Sustainable) One State complementary to a one-planet awareness. One plus One! Big Oil is the black shadow that fuels this war, as it has been the force that conducted all of the wars in the Middle East. Soon Big Oil will not be a factor. We have reached our global oil Double Bind Game. A Single State is the only possibility that Israeli people can survive in the future. A Single State is the only way Palestine people can survive in the future. As Friedman points out in his own essay, ” they are complementary” and there is a Force far more powerful than the psychopathic warlords on both sides. That is Climate Change, aka Extinction. RandyNaylors essay “Designing Emergent and Self-Organized
Play Space “ has been published in the recent issue of Journals
by the University of Stavanger.
Designing Emergent and Self- Organized Play Space
by Randolph Oneil Naylor
The call to the de-colonize in the play space can only be
achieved through a deep dive into the contemporary philosophy
of Self-Organization and Non-Linear models promoted by the
21st century philosophers Manual De Landa and Michel Serres.
Together they represent ecological models for Real
sustainability and Real participation of inclusion and diversity.
I understand de-colonize as purging the dualistic and linear top
down model of fixed rules, predesigned space and false
participation of players. Real play creates its own rules in the
process of playing. This Phase-Space is open ended, form
generated and nonlinear. It does not Colonize or Extract
Resources. It is a Stigmergy of tactile energy and creativity that
flows and complements its environment.
In this paper I will present a project for a ”play space” where I
was asked to present a design for Stavanger Forum. This project
is a good example of a self-organized and Template Algorithm
design that triggers and attracts the Multiplicity design needed
for a de-colonization.
Stavanger Forum rejected the design after several presentations
to the board of directors, the leadership committee and the
administration. The DNA of Stavanger Forum is ONS. This is a
linear and top down business model. They pursue uniformity
and old forms of nonrenewable energy. Woke culture is filtered
out despite their claims toward diversity. Exponential and
hybrid renewable energy platforms will soon replace their
extractive colonized business model. Play is where autonomy,
emergence and distributed functioning replaces control,
preprogramming (digital algorithms) and centralization rule. De-
Colonized play replaces Hierarchy, excellence and dominance,
all of them linear limits and exclusive models.
My design for the out door ”play space ” arena at Stavanger
Forum is base on a Rhizome and Acupuncture Algorithm. The
Rhizomes are the tree root seats where the public become the
designers by moving and creating the space by planting the
Roots on the template. The template is organized according to
the Star pattern one finds over head. The self-organization of the
Root chairs on a Acupuncture plane in relationship to the
cosmos creates the Stigmergy for de-colonization of the
play(phase) space. The Real participation is represented by the
motto, ” a good designer creates a design that makes you a good
designer.) ( Mitchel Resnick) The playing field becomes a
series of Loose Parts where the Root chairs can be augmented
by any Objects (OOO Parts) placed in the acupuncture Star field
pattern. (tables, umbrellas, tents, ball games. etc) Stavanger
Forum would become a true Market and Play Space promoting
Integration, Inclusion and Connectivity by the players. The
players work between the Roots and the Stars Constellation
which trigger the Assemblages. A Magnetic (Magic) Field. This
is Art!
The Theory of Loose Parts (Assemblages) was developed by
Simon Nicholson in 1972 . ” In any environment , both the
degree of inventiveness, creativity and then possibility of
discovery, are directly proportional to the number and kind of
variables in it.”
De-colonize represents a opportunity to deconstruct the dualistic
idea of modernism where we learned that the Whole is made up
of the sum of its Parts. De-Colonization is a complexity where
the multiplicity of parts exceeds the whole.
The score of Colonization is based on the idea of
Anthropocentric framing,” One Size Fits All.” (Timothy
Morton). My design represents the domain of self-organization
where stratifications exist not only in the world of geology, but
also in the virtual, organic and human worlds. Where the
”abstract machine of stratification (DeLanda) is the result of the
coming together and interlocking of heterogeneous elements.
Self-Organization is the sustainable practice where we navigate
through cross-fertilization, complexity, heterogeneity and make
a decolonized Node.
The narrative for the 21st century is Action &Invention (Serres),
replacing extraction and colonization . Process design replaces
hypothesis and concepts. Inclusion is an environmental Node.
Tool Kit for De-Colonization
Stigmergy: Is a mechanism of indirect coordination through the
environment, between agents or actions. Stigmergy is a form of
self-organization. It produces complex, seemingly intelligent
structures, without need for any planning, control, or even direct
communication between the agents.
Phase Space Quasi Casual distribution that structures a space of
possibilities. Wasp to Orchid connectivity.
Emergent: Is an essential component of swarm intelligence and
self-organization. Swarm Intelligence points to a new form of
thinking, which may help us in our current crisis, our becoming
Insect, river star.” Insect societies are organized in a way that
departs from anthropocentric models.” (Bonabeau)
Assemblage: Assemblages supply the framework where the
voices come together to form a chorus that does not harmonize
its different components, but rather interlocks them while
respecting their heterogeneity. (Manual DeLanda)
Self-Organization. Is a sustainable concept where we navigate
through cross-fertilization, complexity and multiplicity. SO
shows itself in participation between many stakeholders. What
is in -between two objects is their ability to create flow and
emerge into a new relationship, new communication nodes.
Randy Naylor is a Interdisciplinary artist living and working in
Stavanger Norway.