The Art of Self-Composed Music (Auto-Poiesis)
The Panda Breeding Diary morphs into multiple forms. We are
composed of a classically trained violinist, a jazz/rock guitarist
and a free musician. This combination creates a Hybrid from of
improvisation. We are interested in creating an acoustic
template that triggers a form of self-tuning and auto
composition, an Auto-Poiseis. This form reflects an organic and
self-organized playing field. Welcome to a Non-Linear
The Panda Breeding Diary has existed for over 30 years in
various formats. We created the main performances for the
European Schizophrenia Conferences over a 10 year
engagement. We have made over 50 films and videos and have
won first prize in the Amsterdam Video Theater festival. Our
plasticity reaches into the fine art space where we have
exhibited our paintings, videos, and performances pieces in the
Norwegian State Exhibition and the Regional Art Exhibition.
We have performed in Jazz clubs, and festivals around Europe.
Randy Naylor (BA) Synthesizer, Soprano Sax, Samples, Video
Rudy Gerred (Phd) El and Acoustic Guitars
Harald Grimsrud (MA) Violin
“Improvisation is music that listens to itself. It tunes.. Art is a
tuning, a Stimmung. Ecological art is going to be more and
more about this kind of tuning.” Form emerges from parallel
action of innumerable local forces acting in unison. Emergence
is Relational. ” Timothy Morton ( Realist, Magic Objects,
Ontology, Causality.