Dear Leif Johan Sevland
Let me again give you your well deserved praise for this
years ONS. As I said to you while meeting in the Hall, ”
You saved the post Covid Stavanger and positioned ONS
into the future. Take a deep breath and be aware of your
This is my ONS Summery of what I experienced a this
years ONS. As I reported 3 years ago, Battery and Off
Shore Wind is the next big thing. I was correct on those
predictions, I also predicted that ONS would have to
change its name and future mission. You have arrived at
this point with this years ONS triggered by the rapid
challenges for Renewable, the war in Ukraine and the
necessity of Germany and Europe to totally rethink and
redesign their Energy sources and the rise of India,
Indonesia and the China hegemony.
My observation from this years ONS is Minerals. This is
the new game in town. For the auto Industry to go
Electric you need Cobalt, Nickel and Magnesium. To
make a call on your Phone you need the same precious
metals. As Walter Sognes pointed out in his cunning
new adventure, China controls 77% of these prcious
resources today.
The second theme is Green Washing. This is interesting
as the banking seminar from our leading bankers use the
terms, Inclusive, Diversity ,Circular Economy. I pointed
out in the debate that they are still thinking in Linear
models. You cannot have Inclusion, Diversity and a Non-
Linear economy and practice if you still practice a top
down Micro-Macro dualistic economy. Real Diversity,
Inclusion and a Non-Linear economy (aka Circular
Economy) will purge the Green Washing Tone.
Inclusion also includes the Environment, not just people.
The Renewable/Sustainable Economy is much more
complex and will generate more dollars than the old
Exclusive non–sustainable economy. That’s why we are
going there. Not mention the responsibilities of Climate
Change, Pollution and oil funded wars.
This brings me to the New ONS.
I think you have passed a threshold and you are now
”The Global Energy Forum.” (my suggestion for the
replacement title ONS.) I think you have to think in
Davos effect. I think you should become a renewed
I think that we are ready for this role. Norway has the
economy, an educated population and the ambition to
asscend to this level. ONS has proved that it has world
wide leverage, leadership and now Must Move ON! To
the Global Energy Forum.
I have been in the Oil/Gas my whole life as you know
my father is credited for the discovery of Balder in 1967.
My work as an artist has been to use Seismic Mapping to
create Non-Linear and Self-Organized systems
(Geology/Ecology of Mind) which leads us right into our
new Narrative of Sustainability.
Sincerely Yours, Randy Naylor
PS. I would enjoy to be the Artist of the new GEF
(Global Energy Forum ) in two years!