Lecture notes for Kansas State School of Architecture December 2024
Randy Naylor

Gregory Bateson Conscious Purpose Vs Wisdom
Conscious Purpose: Travel from A to Z as fast as possible vs.
Unconsciousness and Ecology
1948 Protestant Heresy vs. Immanent Mind (man plus Ecology)
(God as Decider Hierarchy) vs. (receive, store, create, disseminate info)

Theory of Corresponding Angles Nils Bohr
Quasi Subjects envelops and integrates communication routes, unifying
space and time (M.Serres)
Cybernetic Feedback Loop Thermostat & Homeostasis
1.A Given Pattern 2. Behavior Steering Mechanism 3.Self-Corrective
System $., Status Quo
People are Self-Corrective Systems seeking Status Quo vs. Clinaman
Malthusian Curve ” Monkeying with the System” Disturbing the
Ecosystem (Climate)
With an improper disturbance of a system, the exponential curve appears
Conscious Purpose: The Purpose decides what the premise and concept
are to reach an End Game (Gaza 2024)
The End Game creates a Double Bind. The Double Bind triggers
Schizophrenia (a failure to read and understand the message) Israel-Gaza

Wisdom: The Knowledge of a larger Interactive System. Recognition of
guidance by knowledge of the total systemic creature.
Conscious Purpose: 1. Algorithms 2. Industrial Complex Systems.
Cross Purpose combining Hybrids to create a new Epistemology

Alice in Wonderland Cross Purpose Croquet Game with Flamingo/Hedge

Projection: When one creates the error of Purpose Thinking and
disregards the Systemic Nature of the World. (Gaza & Israel Single State
Solution) vs. a Two State Solution Dualism.
Art, Architecture, and Creativity: ” The artist may have a Conscious
Purpose to make art. However, in making the art the artist disregards the
arrogance in favor of the creative experience where the conscious plays a
small part.(Bateson)
Grace, Ethics, Aesthetics: Ethics as defined as the pursuit of positive
Affirmation Values and Relations. ”There is a power grater than
yourself” ”Ecognsis is like a Knowing that Knows itself.” (Morton)

The Future of education is Cross-Disciplinary, not specific categories that
make departments. (Music, psychology, math, science.)
The double event and convergence of Climate Change and AI ChatGPT
requires that we change our environmental pattern behavior, where the
”One Size Fits All” approach and the Anthropocentric dominate our
thinking .
”This requires a new Modal. Model Thinking involves investigating and
evaluating what is possible, Impossible, Essential, Necessary and
Contingent.” Morton
This model is Generative. A radically mysterious and hints that our

Tuning is something else than Anthropocentric Framing. The Modal non-
linear causality reproblematizes material systems showing them capable

of self-organization and self-assembly with many things left unexplained.
Thought is not the only access Mode; Thought is not the Top Access
Mode. (Morton)
Music Tuning: Why Improvisation? ” The world is teeming, anything can
happen.” (Cage)

Generative Music Improvisation is a part to whole relationship. The
whole emerges from a causal interaction between the component parts.
The whole is ephemeral, uncanny. It triggers and adapts to new parts.
Ecosystems involve processes operating at several simultaneous Tuning
Scales. Music is an ecosystem and relational to its environment. Music is
alive. It stores Receives, Disseminates and creates Information.
Improvisation is stepping out of the pattern where ”a thicket of
prefabricated concepts that might not apply so well.” Improvisation is
energy, an awareness where thinking is replaced with intuition, uncanny
generative self-organization that promotes and scores self-composition.
Deterritorialization of the categories is necessary to generate cross
pollination and hybrid interconnections. Decolonize the categories and
Dualistic Thinking.
Summary: Morphogenic processes are inherently dynamic and form
generating resources. Multiplicities specify the spaces of possibilities
tapping into new reservoir of problem solving. Multiplicities are an
organization of the many which have no need whatsoever of unity in
order to form a system( DeLanda) Multiplicities give form to processes
not to a final product. The relationship of parts to wholes are causal.
What is Real? A system with multiple, nonlinear attractors has a
generative capacity to express what is Real. Unless one is at ease with
multi-dimensional complexity, one cannot feel at home in the 21st
The 21st century is a Complex Assembly of Geo, Zoe, and Bio, Techno
perspectives. They are deeply Rhizomatic, uncanny and weird. (Braidotti)